Disclosures LLC "UPS"

1. The payment institution LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY «UNIVERSAL PAYMENT SOLUTIONS» ensures the availability of information posted on its own websites (web pages) by current legislation.

  • Short name: UPS LLC
  • Identification code: 37973023
  • Location of the payment institution: 04080, Kyiv, Nyzhnoyurkivska Street, building 45-A
  • Area code by KOATUU: 8038500000
  • Contact Phone: 0 800 6011 60
  • Email address: help@iPay.ua

2. List of financial services provided by the payment institution:

  • Fund transferring services without opening an account

Registration number of UPR LLC from the Payment Infrastructure Register: No. 21/788-rk dated 05/01/2023, the link is extract https://www.ipay.ua/en/finance

3. Information about significant ownership (including individuals exercising control over the payment institution)

3.1. Participant information

Full name of the participants (founders, shareholders) of the applicant, or surname, first name, patronymic of individuals - participants (founders, shareholders) of the applicant


Individual taxpayer identification number* of individuals - participants (founders, shareholders) of the applicant


Place of residence of individuals - participants (founders, shareholders) of the applicant

United Arab Emirates, Ras Al Khaimah, Al Hamra, Al Hamra village, Palace Hotel Apartments, RN-6510


The share of the participants (founders, shareholders) of the applicant in the authorized capital of the applicant


* Individual taxpayer identification number or series and number of the passport (for individuals who, due to their religious beliefs, refuse to accept the individual taxpayer identification number and have notified the relevant regulatory authority about this and have a mark in the passport).

3.2. Information about persons exercising control over legal entities - participants (founders, shareholders) of the applicant (who hold a share (divvy, block of shares) that is at least 5 percent of the authorized capital of the applicant)

Full name of the legal entity of the participant (founder, shareholder)


Individual taxpayer identification number* of the individual exercising control over the participant (founder, shareholder)


Location of the individual exercising control over the participant (founder, shareholder)

United Arab Emirates, Ras Al Khaimah, Al Hamra, Al Hamra village, Palace Hotel Apartments, RN-6510


Share in the authorized capital of a participant (founder, shareholder)


* Individual taxpayer identification number or series and number of the passport (for individuals who, due to their religious beliefs, refuse to accept the individual taxpayer identification number and have notified the relevant regulatory authority about this and have a mark in the passport).

4. Information on the composition of the supervisory board and executive body of the payment institution:

  • 4.1. Higher – general meeting:
  • KUKLEV KONSTANTIN YURIEVICH, share in the authorized capital 100%
  • 4.2. Executive (Directorate) – General Director, Executive Director.
  • VELIKANOV YEVHEN MYKOLAYOVYCH, 07/22/2013 – director,
  • VELIKANOV YEVHEN MYKOLAYOVYCH, 01/05/2012 – signatory;
  • VELIKANOV YEVHEN MYKOLAYOVYCH, 03/23/2023 – member of the board;
  • NEDILKO OLGA OLEKSANDRIVNA, 03/23/2023 – member of the board, director and signatory.
  • 4.3. The supervisory board has not been created.

5. UPS LLC does not have separate structural divisions.

6. Information about licenses and permits issued to the payment institution:

  • Date of inclusion of the Limited Liability Company “Universal Payment Solutions” in the Payment Infrastructure Register: 06/25/2014
  • Date of the National Bank’s decision to issue a license “Funds transfer services without opening an account”: May 01, 2023, license No. 21/788-rk (https://bank.gov.ua/ua/payments/payment-systems)

Registration number of UPR LLC from the Payment Infrastructure Register: No. 21/788-rk dated 05/01/2023, the link is extract https://www.ipay.ua/en/finance

7. The annual financial statements of UPS LLC are posted at the link: https://www.ipay.ua/en/finance for 2023, 2022; 2021; 2020; 2019; 2018; 2017; 2016; 2015; 2014.

8. UPS LLC is not in the process of liquidation, bankruptcy proceedings have not been initiated, and a reorganization procedure has not been introduced.

9. To ensure the safety of users’ funds, UPS LLC has opened current accounts in:

Bank MFO Bank name Account number Bank code
380634 PuAT "CB "AKORDBANK" UA023806340000026549340626001 35960913
307123 PAT "BANK VOSTOK" UA043071230000026541010586683 26237202
307770 AT "A - BANK" UA053077700000026541011111009 14360080
334851 AT "PUMB" UA053348510000000000002654731 14282829
313849 JSCB "INDUSTRIALBANK" UA073138490000026546010000018 13857564
325365 AT "KREDOBANK" UA073253650000000026540611979 09807862
328209 Joint Stock Bank "Pivdenny" UA103282090000026542000000011 20953647
300346 AT "SENS BANK" UA173003460000026546014380601 23494714
328209 Joint Stock Bank "Pivdenny" UA283282090000026541000000012 20953647
300346 AT "SENS BANK" UA353003460000026545014380602 23494714
307123 PAT "BANK VOSTOK" UA413071230000026542020586683 26237202
334840 PJSC "FAMILY BANK" UA423348400000026545013020600 20042839
300528 AT "OTP BANK" UA443005280000026545000000006 21685166
328168 PJSC "MTB BANK" UA503281680000026546015715501 21650966
320478 JSB "UKRGASBANK" UA573204780000026540924488862 23697280
380805 AT "RAIFFEISEN BANK" NEAR KIEV UA693808050000000000000265459 14305909
322669 FEDERAL MANAGEMENT OF ATOSHCHAD M. KYIV UA813226690000026547301535860 09322277
322539 AT "UNEX BANK" m. Kiev UA823225390000026541039598001 20023569
305749 JSC "BANK CREDIT DNIPRO" UA853057490000026549000000003 14352406
306500 AT AB "RADABANK" UA853065000000026543300000001 21322127
320478 JSB "UKRGASBANK" UA853204780000026545924488867 23697280
300528 AT "OTP BANK" UA983005280000026542000000009 21685166

10. Management staff and key persons:


  • Chief Executive Officer – Yevhen VELIKANOV
  • Chief Operating Officer – Olga NEDILKO

Key person:

  • Internal auditor – Valentina KONOPATSKA
  • Chief risk manager – Anna POVETKINA

Management team:

  • Chief Accounting Officer – Artur BELINSKY
  • Head of Financial Monitoring Department – Antonina BAKHINA
  • Head of Operations Support Department – Valentyna ROZUM
  • Head of Customer Service – Denys ZOTYKOV

11. Technological operator

As part of the IT component function and related work with the technology service provider UNIVERSAL DATA CENTER LLC, EDRPOU 35962030, in accordance with the Agreement on the provision of support services, technical support and maintenance of a complex of software and hardware tools No. P-14-05-05 dated "05" May 2014.

UNIVERSAL DATA CENTER LLC has the status of a technological operator of payment services.

The software, which ensures the acceptance of payments and the provision of financial services for transferring funds, is the proprietary development of UNIVERSAL DATA CENTER LLC. Functionally, the software is divided into separate subsystems in the following areas:

  • Payment processing - interaction with acquiring banks and non-bank payment systems.
  • Clearing is a subsystem of mutual settlements with clients (merchants) for whose benefit payments are accepted.
  • Anti-fraud system for transactions using payment card data.
  • The financial monitoring system is a system for combating money laundering and financing the terrorism.
  • A system for accounting for payments accepted in favor of clients (merchants).
  • Client (merchant) account data management system.
  • A system for protecting information and preventing cyber attacks on payment infrastructure.
  • Website for servicing payers IPAY.UA, with the help of which payers can make payments and transfer funds.
  • Application payment protocols with which clients (merchants) can provide services for accepting payments and transferring funds to payers on their information resources on the Internet.

12. Information on all marks for goods and services (trademarks)

To provide the Limited Liability Company "Universal Payment Solutions" with funds transfer services without opening an account, the iPay trademark is used, used by UPR LLC on the basis of Agreement No. 1/5-L dated 05/01/2014.


To provide cash transfer services, UPS LLC uses the "MONEGO" trademark (registration certificate No. 203207 dated August 25, 2015).


13. Rates

There is no monthly subscription fee. Payment is charged to the payer when making a payment in the form of a commission. The commission varies depending on:

  • the company to which the payer makes payment.
  • on the type of card used to pay (VISA, MasterCard);

ranges from 0 to 10% of the payment amount.

The commission is displayed on the payment page, after entering the payment data before confirming the payment, or on which the commission is displayed directly when entering the payment amount.

UPS LLC does not use fines or penalties applied to the payment service chosen by the user.

In the case of payment using UPS LLC for any service from the payer’s account in foreign currency, the payment transaction for transferring funds is carried out in hryvnia at the foreign currency conversion rate established by the bank servicing the payer’s account.

14. UPS LLC cooperates with payment systems MasterCard, Visa, PROSTIR (is an indirect participant) and is a participant in payment systems:

  • Domestic payment system "Financial World" (included in the Payment Infrastructure Register on July 16, 2009, payment system operator identification code 35780941);
  • GLOBUS international payment system (included in the Payment Infrastructure Register on May 4, 2018, payment system operator identification code 35591059);
  • Domestic payment system "UAPEI" (included in the Payment Infrastructure Register on February 27, 2023, payment system operator identification code 39407959).

15. UPS LLC does not act as a payment system operator.

16. UPS LLC does not perform the functions of a process operator.

17. Information about the method of communication with clients is recorded in the Interaction Procedure at the link:


Consumer requests may be oral or written.

Oral communication is provided by the Consumer:

  • means of telephone communication;
  • using voice communication in the messenger (a special mobile application designed for exchanging information in voice form).

A written request is sent by the Consumer:

  • by email;
  • in text form in the messenger/chat on the website.

Deadlines for providing responses to requests depending on the category of requests:

  • Application that does not require additional study - up to 2 business days from the date of receipt;
  • Application requiring additional study - up to 7 working days from the date of receipt;
  • Complex requests requiring additional inquiries and/or investigations up to 20 business days from the date of receipt.

18. The list of commercial agents is located at the link:


19. Information about the security measures of UPS LLC is posted at the link:



20. Deadlines for crediting funds to recipients

On the day of their receipt from the client, in accordance with the Law of Ukraine “On Payment Services” dated 08/01/2022, the Instruction on non-cash payments in national currency for users of payment services, approved by Resolution of the Board of the National Bank of Ukraine dated July 29, 2022 No. 163; Instructions on interbank transfer of funds in Ukraine in national currency, as amended, approved by Resolution of the Board of the National Bank of Ukraine dated 01.08.2023 No. 167.

21. The procedure for resolving disputes between participants and users of payment systems:

The Payment Institution hereby represents and warrants that any complaint or claim by the Customer, oral or written, which may arise from this Agreement will be considered by the Payment Institution. The payment institution will also take any and all necessary measures to satisfy the Client’s complaint or claim, if such a complaint or claim is justified. According to the Law of Ukraine “On Payment Services”, the user of a payment card is considered a client of the issuer, and not a participant in payment systems. In the event of a dispute, the payment card user must be guided by the agreement on opening a current account using a payment card, concluded with the issuer, and the relevant resolution of the National Bank of Ukraine, which establish certain rules regarding the distribution of responsibility between the issuer and the payment card user under various circumstances.

22. The agreement for the use of the iPay.ua website (offer) is located at the link.


The contract is valid for an indefinite period with possible amendments. The contract applies to all services except:

Agreement on the provision of funds transfer services without opening an account to users of the online service “Uklon” (offer)

Agreement on the provision of funds transfer services without opening an account to users of the online service “Uklon Driver” (offer)

Agreement on the provision of funds transfer services without opening an account to users of the digital mobile services platform “Kyiv Digital” (offer)

Taxi Bond offer acceptance of payments and transfer of funds carriers individuals

Agreement Offer UPR Payers transfer of funds taxes Bond

23. Contact information of the National Bank:

st. Institutskaya, 11-b, Kiev, 01601

For electronic appeal: nbu@bank.gov.ua (fill out and send the form and, if necessary, add accompanying materials. But the attachment size is no more than 10 MB).

For correspondence: st. Institutskaya, 9, Kiev, 01601.

To submit written appeals from citizens: st. Institutskaya, 11-b, Kiev, 01601.

Phone: 0 800 505 240 or +380 44 298 65 55 (Mon–Thurs 9:00–18:00, Fri 9:00–16:45)

Schedule of personal reception of citizens by management and authorized officials of the National Bank

To make an appointment for a personal appointment, fill out the online form or call: 0 800 505 240 or +380 44 298 65 55

Public reception: ave. Nauki, 7, bldg. 1.

Contact information for the consumer protection authority:

State Food Service

01001, Kiev, st. B. Grinchenko, 1

Reception: (044) 279 12 70

24/7 Hotline (Call Center): (050) 230 04 28 or (044) 364 77 80

Email: info@dpss.gov.ua

Contacts of territorial authorities can be found at the link:
