Using the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol, automatically encrypts your confidential information on the way from your computer to the server.
Payment card data security is made following the requirements of the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS).
Customers` confidential information is stored and processed by the requirements of international standards: information security ISO / IEC 27001: 2005, ISO / IEC 27002: 2005, ISO / IEC 27005: 2008, information services management ISO 20000, quality management ISO 9001: 2000.
Visa и MasterCard
All payments using Visa and Mastercard bank cards are carried out taking into account the security measures of the international payment systems Visa and Mastercard.

Sysnet Global Solutions regularly engages independent auditing companies to control the quality and reliability of its service. In particular, і was audited by the international company Sysnet Global Solutions.

Stop list
Before transferring funds from the payer`s card to the supplier`s account, checks the presence of the client`s payment card in the so-called stop list. The stop list contains information about blocked cards due to their loss. This allows rejecting a payment request if the client`s payment card unauthorized use by third parties.
The team are professionals with many years of experience in technical protection of information and combating fraud transactions on the Internet. We are constantly improving methods of data protection and prevention of illegal transactions, taking into account the experience of both our own and international payment systems.
For the security of your card data, does not store CVV codes of bank cards and never circumstances transfer bank card data to third parties.

Antikyber NABU
Antikyber NABU is a project of the Independent Association of Banks of Ukraine (NABU), which was created to combat cybercrime.
The website of the project is a source for giving information about:
- combating cybercrime in Ukraine and the world;
- main types and threats of cyber fraud in the financial sector;
- preventive measures to help you avoid becoming a victim of cybercriminals;
- rules of conduct, if fraud is detected, your rights and opportunities.
The concept of counteracting cybercrime in banking, approved by the decision of the NABU Banking Infrastructure and Payment Systems Specialized Committee, provides for the establishment of an effective nationwide counteraction system and the creation of a platform for communication between banks, regulators, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine and other interested parties.
Review about the using non-profit organizations for illegal purposes